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As we transition from Christmas to the New Year, Pastor Lance shared valuable insights on the importance of interconnectedness within the church and our personal lives. This summary will help you grasp the key points and apply them to your life.

Why Do We Struggle with New Year's Resolutions?

Many of us start the New Year with resolutions, only to abandon them by "Quitters Day," the second Friday of January. Instead of making resolutions, Pastor Lance prefers to plan projects for the year. This approach led him to reflect on the importance of interconnectedness, both in our personal lives and within the church.

The Importance of Interconnectedness in the Church: What Happens When We Isolate Ourselves?

Pastor Lance shared about some of his gardening experiences, specifically one attempt he made at growing corn. His small patch of corn just didn’t take, and a farmer friend of his told him something simple yet profound, “Corn needs Corn”. Just like corn needs other corn to grow, Christians need each other to thrive. When we isolate ourselves, we stunt our spiritual growth. This lack of interconnectedness can lead to weak faith, empty hope, and sparse joy.

The Church as an Organism

The church is not just a building; it's an organism made up of interconnected parts. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, Paul explains that the church is like a body with many parts, all working together. When we treat the church as an organization rather than an organism, we risk stunting its growth.

The First Growth Factor: Interdependence

Interdependence or connectedness is crucial for growth. Just as corn needs to be planted close together to thrive, Christians need to be connected to grow spiritually. This interconnectedness strengthens our faith and helps us mature in Christ. Our personal lives are interconnected in ways we often overlook. Ephesians 4:17-24 teaches us that our actions in one area of life affect all other areas. Holding back any part of our life from Christ's lordship impacts our entire life and our relationship with Him.

The Impact of Compartmentalization

Many of us try to compartmentalize our lives, thinking that one area won't affect another. However, this is a lie. Every part of our life is interconnected, and holding back any area from Christ will inevitably affect our entire life.

Life Application: How Can We Apply This to Our Lives?

1. Read Ephesians 3 and 4: Take time to read these chapters and ask God what He wants you to hear about your life.

2. Examine Your Life: Identify areas where you might be compartmentalizing and holding back from Christ.

3. Take Action: Do what God tells you. Confess any sins and make changes to align your life with His will.

Questions to Reflect On

1. Are you isolating yourself from the church community?

2. How are you compartmentalizing your life, and how is it affecting your relationship with Christ?

3. What steps can you take this week to become more interconnected with your church and align your life with God's will?


Interconnectedness is vital for spiritual growth, both within the church and in our personal lives. By understanding and applying these principles, we can strengthen our faith and grow closer to Christ. Take the challenge this week to read Ephesians 3 and 4, examine your life, and make the necessary changes to live more interconnectedly.


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