We will take a look in review at 2024, highlight things we are looking forward to for 2025 and members will vote on leaders (listed below). This is an in person only meeting. We will be having a Dessert Potluck following the meeting so please bring a treat to share.
We will be voting on elders, Chris Walston, Lee Tapper and Christian Holter & voting to affirm trustees, Christian Holter & Tom Schumacher.
Get to know our Elder nominations a little more:
Chris Walston:
What is your faith and church background?
Being a preacher's kid, I have been raised in the church and involved in the church my entire life. I attended Minnesota Bible College and graduated with a degree in Biblical Studies and Pastoral Leadership. I have attended Meadow Park Church of Christ / Hope Summit for the last 20+ years. During this time I have served in a variety of capacities from completing my college internship, teaching classes, small groups, and have even preached a few times in the past. I am currently an Elder and Trustee for Hope Summit, and have volunteered in children's ministry, grounds maintenance, search committee, finance team, and other areas.
Tell us about a little bit about your family. I am married to Janelle, and we have a 51/2 year old Black Lab "Callie" and a 2 year old Black Lab "Piper". We enjoy spending time outside in the summer. We have been blessed to be raised in Christian homes, and enjoy spending time with my parents (Rick and Dorothy) in Rochester and Janelle's parents (Jim and Bev) in Ladysmith, WI.
What are your hopes for Hope Summit? I want to see Hope Summit continue to grow in a way that people are drawn to us not because it is the PERFECT church, but rather because we are a group of IMPERFECT people who are gathering and encouraging one another. It isn't a place where perfect Christians unite to pat each other on the back and say "look how good we have become", but a place where people can come as they are and let Christ fill the imperfections. A place where people experience the love of Christ whether they are an aged believer or someone just testing the waters. A place where people feel they belong and don't feel judged by pious Christians who think they are better than others. A place where testimonies of GOD's GRACE abound and hope and freedom is found. A place where all are welcome at the foot of the cross, and as we "do life together" we will reflect the love of Christ to others.
Lee Tapper -
What is your faith and church background?
I grow up attending South Side Christian Church in Hammond IN. The church is still meeting and glorifying Jesus. They have moved to Munster IN following a fire that destroyed the building but invigorated the congregation. We had a single minister while I was growing up, Rev. Calvin Phillips. Just after graduating from college, he moved on to become the President of Emanual School of Religion. I was baptized into Christ at the age of 8. As my career developed, we moved several times but always being a part of a Christian Church in the community that we lived in. Moved to Rochester in the spring of 1992. Meadow Park Church of Christ, now Hope Summit Christian Church, was the first church I attended on the first Sunday in Rochester. As we settled in and attended several other good churches, we were drawn back to Meadow Park. We placed our membership there in the winter of 1992. Have been an Elder in the past but due to a family illness resigned prior to completing my term. Most recently became an Elder in 2018 and have completing my first term. Have always remained active in short term missions. I hold the pursuit of learning about God and His word in high regard. Continually participate in, lead, coordinate, and teach various bible studies several time a week. This has rooted my faith in God and His promises allowing me to see and recognize His loving work in my life and those around me.
Tell us about a little bit about your family.
Both Diane's and my parents were all believers and have gone to be with the Lord. This year Diane and I will be celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. While Diane and I dated, we attended SSCC and Rev. Calvin Phillips presided over the wedding. We have three daughters and sons-in-law which are all living in Minnesota. We have two fabulous granddaughters, need I say more.
What are your hopes for Hope Summit?
That she is a lampstand holding the truth and light of God's love and salvation high. This is accomplished by sharing, pointing, and aiding others toward an eternal relationship with God through his son Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit. In short "Living to love and glorify Jesus" and aiding others to the joy of doing the same.
Christian Holter -
What is your faith and church background?
I was raised in a Christian home here in Rochester, accepted Christ at a young age and was baptized as a teenager at Autumn Ridge Church where I attended through college. I became introduced to Hope through Crossroads College and have regularly attended since 2011.
Tell us about a little bit about your family.
Emily, Claire and Graham. Our family is active, friendly, busy and enjoys adventures local, regional and national.
What are your hopes for Hope Summit?
That we would continue to be a source of light, hope, peace and joy by spreading the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
According to our bylaws:
In all congregational meetings in which voting is required. Each active member
who is 16 years of age or older shall be entitled to vote on all matters of business.
There shall be no voting by proxy.
An active member shall be defined as one who has been a member in good
standing for six months prior to the meeting.
Help restock our food pantry shelves with canned and dry goods. We could use cans of chicken and tuna. Cans of Spaghetti-o's and cans of soup. Boxes of cereal and rice, instant potatoes, etc. Please leave your donation in the kitchen labeled "Food Pantry".
Mission of the Month
January 2025
Pray that the Lord will raise up men to share the load of preaching & teaching. Pray for wisdom and protection as we labor to build up the body and reach the lost.
Let the word of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. Colossians 3:16