The gift of exhorting/encouraging is the God-given ability to draw near to individuals when they need it. You encourage and counsel them accurately with God’s word. You persuade them to take courage in the face of something they must do or assure them to take comfort because of something that has occurred.
Verses to consider:
Acts 9:26-27
You may have the gift of exhorting/encouraging if:
you regularly encourage those around you verbally or with written notes
you enjoy applying God’s word more than digging into it
you like to encourage others to excel in ministry
you love to counsel others, helping them grow in Christ
you view trials as opportunities for growth
you prefer resolving problems quickly
you have a consistently positive attitude
At the same time, if you have the gift of exhorting/encouraging:
you may run the risk of frequently interrupting people
you may sometimes use Scripture out of context
you may be a bit overconfident, out-spoken, and opinionated
Here are some ministries where you might utilize the gift of exhorting/encouraging:
(Click on the ministry title for a more complete description of that ministry.)
When choosing a ministry in which to serve according to your spiritual gift, keep in mind the unique mix of gifts the Spirit of God may have given you. Look for ministries that utilize more than one of your top potential gifts. Do not be afraid to test your gift mix in various ministries. Only by testing your gifts via serving can you be sure they truly are gifts given by the Holy Spirit. Serving according to your spiritual gifting, though often challenging, will bring joy into your life and the lives of those to whom you are serving.